Fire Hydrants

A fire hydrant is another active fire protection measure and a source of water provided in most urban, suburban and rural areas with municipal water service to enable firefighter to tap into the municipal water supply to assist in extinguishing a fire. Fire hydrants are usually located on larger properties to adequately protect large buildings in case of a fire and in order to comply with the fire code of Ontario. They require annual inspections and maintenance. Accurate Fire Protection & Security provides regular hydrant testing. Water systems are constantly being impacted by improvements, deterioration, changes in usage, and even water district maintenance activities which may affect zone valve settings. As a result it is important to periodically test all fire hydrants to determine what their capabilities would be in a fire related emergency. In addition to determining fire flows, testing can uncover a number of mechanical problems from valves that don’t operate properly to leaks and even pump damaging debris flowing from hydrants. It is imperative that we discover problems and get them repaired before the hydrant is needed in an emergency.

Flow test data also provides necessary field information so that water service planners and the Fire Prevention Departments can accurately estimate the capabilities of water mains. Water main and hydrant flow capabilities impact decisions as to what fire protection and fire resistance features are required for new developments and where priorities should be placed with respect to upgrading older, smaller water mains and at the same time determinations are given to pumps and piping upgrades. Providing a data sheet on flows with design curves allows us to hone in on troubled areas year to year.

It is required to test and inspect fire hydrants and markings annually for both functionality and marks for proper pressures.